There is a terrifying evil that only a select few can see. It comes from the depths; whispering, coaxing, pushing people to commit atrocities.
Bobbi Clarke is about to come face-to-face with it.
Despite the vicious migraines she seems to have inherited from her dead mother, seventeen-year-old Bobbi is happy with her life. Soon she’ll be eighteen, graduate high school and begin university with her best friends, and she even has a part-time job lined up. And now Grey Adams, the boy she’s crushed on for two years, asks her out on a date.
Then Ky, a complete stranger, comes busting in with a ridiculous story about fighting demons. With his arrival the blows come hard and fast—her aunt and uncle are not who she thought they were, they’ve lied to her and now mean to hand her over to Ky.
Bobbi wants nothing to do with Ky and what he says is her purpose in life. But has she a choice? And what of Grey? Is he the monster Ky claims he is, or the shy, gentle boy she believes him to be? Who can Bobbi trust? One is her destiny, the other her betrayer.
I hope you enjoy this latest offering! Icari is available on Amazon US as e-book for $3.99, Amazon UK £2.19. This universal link will take you to Icari on Barnes&Noble, Apple, Kobo, Scribd, Inktera or 24symbols.